Lady Boss Coaches

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The Importance Of Time Management

I receive more request for advice on time management than any other topic.  

Time management is important because the most valuable asset we have is time. We all have the same amount of time in each day. It is how we choose to use that time that determines how effective we are in our careers and life.   

I hear people say that they wish they had more time and then they reference someone who they feel has more time than them. It drives me nuts, it’s like, “NO! We all have the same amount of time. It’s about how we choose to use our time, It’s about priorities, and mostly it’s about efficiency. If you choose to spend hours per day on social media and then complain about not having time to spend with your significant other, your children, to have fun, that’s just not accurate. You have the time; we all have the time. It’s choosing how to spend it that matters. 

Especially as an entrepreneur, you are in control of your time more than most people. It may not feel this way, but it is true.

I get asked all the time how I can do so much and accomplish so much… my first response is that I don’t do it all alone, I have help. My second response is always about efficiency. So utilize your resources ladies!

Time Management is necessary to create an enjoyable work/life balance or integration that works for you. You will enjoy your work more, and be able to work less and/or make more money. You will help your employees to be more efficient and help them enjoy their jobs more. Just get ready to implement what will work for you and you will be well on your way to effective time management skills!

Let us offer tools and resources to get you on the right track to effective time management skills. Take control of your day! Our podcasts cover topics like time management tips and tricks, delegating, calendar management, time tracking to success, and much more! Let’s boss up and change your life!

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